You have now entered the dangerous realm of a girl's sport page: beware!!! This page should actually be called my sport page because I am only going to talk about the one sport that I actually KNOW something about...you guessed it: Swimming (no...now don't be mean, I'm not talking about synchronized swimming).
For all you who don't know how swimming works...here is a very (and I mean VERY) brief idea of how it works: firstly (and most important) you should know how to swim (duuuuhhh....but you'd be surprised); secondly, you have to learn the four basic strokes, including front crawl (AKA freestyle), backcrawl(AKA backstroke), Butterfly, and lastly the breaststroke (and no guys, this doesn't mean stroking someone's breast); thirdly, you really should be in fairly good shape and be ready to work out at least four times a week for about two hours (if you're in highschool: five days a week about 4 hours a day); fourthly, and this is a quote from my coach in highschool:
"Practice does NOT make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect"
, this means...WORK on you stroke. There are A LOT of stuff I am leaving out but swimming is NOT easy. I'm not talking swimming back and forth for a few minutes...I'm talking swimming about 10,000+ yards a day!